Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Course Workbook - Video 1

    3. Alpha - Video 1

    1. Course Workbook - Video 2

    2. Alpha - Video 2

    1. Is Christianity "Blind Faith?"

    2. What is Known About the Bible?

    3. Is the Old Testament a Reliable Document?

    4. Is the New Testament a Reliable Document?

    5. Does the Bible have a Supernatural Origin?

    6. What is the Main Message of the Bible?

    1. Course Workbook - Video 3

    2. Alpha - Video 3

    3. "I'm not a sinner, I'm really a good person!"

    1. Course Workbook - Video 4

    2. Alpha - Video 4

    3. Did you pray to receive Christ?

    4. Survey - Did you pray to receive Christ into your Heart?

    1. Course Workbook - Video 5

    2. Alpha - Video 5

    3. Quiz

About this course

  • Free
  • 49 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content